
Hyattsville Volunteer
Fire Department

Hyattsville Volunteer
Fire Department

Spring Hill Lake: Back to Back


Courtesy of #9 Bladensburg

At 0011 hours, PSC sounded the box for 9150 Edmonston Road in the Spring Hill Lake section of Berwyn Heights. Units arrived on scene with smoke showing from the third floor of a three story garden style apartment. As the crews started opening up they found heavy fire in all of the void spaces, pipe chases and walls on all three floors. Command then requested a fire task force bringing Truck 1, which had been transferred to Company 14. As Truck 1 arrived on scene the crew was tasked with completing secondary searches of the fire apartment, securing utilities and assisting in opening up and extinguishing the fire. The fire eventually went to a 3rd alarm which also brought Engine 11 to the scene. The units from Company 1 remained on scene until 0230 hours.

At 0930, hours PSC sounded yet another box to the Spring Hill Lake complex, this time at 9118 Edmonston Road. First arriving units found fire in the electrical panel with extension to the floors above. Command quickly requested a second alarm, bringing Truck 1 to the scene. Once again the crew from Truck 1 assisted with opening up the floors directly above the original fire room and assisting with utility control. The units cleared shortly after 1200 hours.